MEYAM Wellness Packages2020-03-11T12:56:40+05:30
Senses Elements Spa

MEYAM Wellness Packages

Preventive care to improve your totality…(A researched and result oriented combination of Marma-Ergonomics-Yoga-Ayurveda-Meditation treatment rituals).

Over the last three decades, a team professionals have thoroughly investigated the different stages of Repeated Strain Injuries (RSI), and developed customized therapies to treat affected individuals.

Stress is the root cause of any injury or pain. Maximum productivity demands at work place lead to high levels of mental stress and physical strain. Overuse of certain bone joints, muscles, nerves plexus and brain lead to a potentially debilitating condition called Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), when the rate of damage exceeds the body’s natural rhythm of repair.

Steeped in Ayurvedic tradition, we draws upon the disciplines of Ergonomics to adopt a holistic approach for treating Repeated Strain Injuries (RSI). By fusing an ancient tradition with contemporary practices, most effectively addresses RSI and promotes improved human performance and productivity. Decades of rigorous research, continuous innovation and trials have led to the creation of effective, tailor-made, differentiated therapies to meet RSI challenges of various degrees.

Shanthi – The peace (Ayurveda Ergonomic package -1) – 1 hour 15 minutes – Rs. 3800

This treatment specifically focuses on the all major joints in the body. The treatment starts with consultation with the Ayurveda physician to assess the present imbalance state of Dosha stages in body and mind. The suitable type of Ayurveda Marma massage will be applied on the body in a rhythmic way. This will be followed by warm herbal pouch application on areas of soreness and stiffness. A wonderful treat to relieve the body aches stiff joints and soothe the soul.

Smrithi – The Memory (Ayurveda Ergonomics package) – 1 hour 30 minutes – Rs. 4800

Useful after and before a long journey  to tune up your body and mind with  the nature. Session stats with a consultation. An Ayurveda Marma  therapy with selective techniques administered as per the consultation will relieve  the stiffness in the pain and joints and improves blood circulation. This is followed by Shirodhara – a continuous medicated oil streams from a hanging pot onto the forehead and scalp. The combination of therapies focuses on the RSI areas of body and relieves anxiety and stress thereby improving sleep quality and harmonizing the Circadian rhythm.

Sayoojya – The Satisfaction (Ayurveda Ergonomics Package – 3) – Rs. 6500

A combination of three treatment’s essence promise you total relaxation and rejuvenation in less than 2 hours. Highly recommended after a long hectic work and stressful day and definitely  a jet lag reviver. 

Ritual starts with a whole body massage  using individual tailed medicated oil to bring deep relaxation and rejuvenation. The marma-vital energy points of strainfull area will be activated through selective techniques. This will be followed by a hot herbal pouch application with medicated herbal powder pouch dipped in warm oil to relieve the sore muscles and aching joints.

Treatment complete with Shirodhara in which of a steady stream of oil flow on the forehead followed by gentle head massage. This will relax the nervous system, improve the function of five senses, help in insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression and fatigue.  

* GST applicable on the above prices.

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